Friday, October 30, 2020

Book 44 If It Bleeds


If It Bleeds by Stephen King fulfills the category “Book by an Author Who Has Written Twenty or More Books” for the PopSugar 2020 Reading Challenge. To date, Mr. King has approximately eighty-six books. I have read almost all of them.

I began reading the man at age eleven when I asked my mom if I could read her copy of Pet Semetary. She laughed and handed the book over. I read that whole thing and can tell you to forty years later, what the last line was. It scared the crap out of me, and I was hooked. His writing, his stories, have inspired me over the year. I fanficed It which I read around my sixteenth birthday. (I totally had mylar balloons in my room from the party, and every time they moved, it frightened me to death.) The Body and the movie Stand by Me will always have a special place in my heart.

If It Bleeds also hit the Anthology category (as well as the Fight or Flight novel I read too. I overdid so many categories this year.) But I’m keeping this one in the twenty books category. This novel included a chapter in the Mr. Mercedes series. It features Holly Gibney working hard to solve another spooky case. I loved what Mr. King did with the series. He started off completely thriller and twisted it into paranormal. Then killed off the main character. But Holly shone like a beacon, and I love that he let the character take the spotlight. She’s complex, slightly autistic, and a brave woman. I wish more authors would write women like this as heroes.

The other stories in the anthology include one that explores the question of reality and existence. It was a neat exploration of time, space, and the meaning of life (42). Another tale was a Monkey’s Paw kind of adaptation. I didn’t care for that one as much. I’d just finished the Holly story (read by the great Will Patton, who did all the Mercedes books and the Raven Boys—go read that soooooo wonderful.) The chapter is read by none other than Steven Weber (remember Wings? Yeah, that Steven Weber who did a fabulous job as Jack Torrance in the remake of The Shining.) It was good but disturbed me. Which horror books are supposed to do, I suppose.

The first story Mr. Harrigan’s Phone was a great study in will and human spirit, or human evil spirit. I’ve always wanted to write a horror series, but without monsters. Well, where the monsters are just people, who are essentially evil. Someday, I’ll learn how to be scary and write it. I like this tale because the hero was very human, unsure of what choices to make, and how to react to the supernatural. No spoiling, but I support most of his choices.

Let’s talk about Stephen King’s career as the category is “written over twenty books.” As I mentioned, I’ve read him my whole life. Not every book has been golden, but I love watching his career, reading his books, and following his politics on Facebook and Twitter. (The last cracks me up.) Anyway, according to stories (legends, myths), his career began because an editor took a chance on him, helped him work through some issues with Carrie (apparently the original ending was rather apocalyptic), and started him on the path. I don’t think this happens much today. The publishing industry is overwhelmed with authors. And with self-pub an option—(I won’t complain as I have just self-published a book. Grab it here.), there’s just too much to choose from. Editors can’t be discrete, but readers can. They have to wade through a ton of ick to find a good book these days. The industry is changing, but I am so grateful someone gave Stephen King a great chance. My life would be kinda different if I’d never read him.

I give If It Bleeds by Stephen King Four Happy Slappers (Mercedes reference) because the rat story bothered me. LOL.



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