Friday, September 4, 2020

Book 36 The Adventures of the Deadly Dimensions


The Adventures of the Deadly Dimensions (Sherlock Holmes vs Cthulhu #1) by Lois H. Gresh fulfilled the category “Book Who’s Title Caught my Attention” for the PopSugar 2020 Reading Challenge.

I work in a library. At least one hour of every shift, I check in returns. The bright green cover with all the gold filigree passed through my scanner, and I was done. Not only did I outright buy the book rather than just borrow it, but I also bought the entire series from Amazon. Also, there are some books by James Lovegrove with eerily similar titles and covers. I probably read the wrong novel. Oops.

It might have been a premature purchase. While I liked the premise of The Deadly Dimensions and though the author recreated Watson’s voice well, the book did not move me.

In this 500-page novel, Sherlock Holmes, and Dr. Watson stumble on a bizarre murder in a rough part of London. It seems a machine is murdering humans and no one can turn the thing off. At this point in the Holmesian universe, Watson has married and had a child. They play a significant part in the story. Holmes continues to pull his friend into adventures, while Watson wants to start a normal life with his wife and child. Through the investigation into the murders at the hands of the tram machine, the two men are pulled into other cases involving unexplained things. One case involved furniture of bizarre dimension and impossible design, much like the tram machine.

I thought the story would be quick when we as readers realize our villain is in the first few chapters. We, in the know, see Fitzgerald’s obsession with the Old Ones (Cthulhu) immediately. But the novel takes a 400-page journey away from this simple explanation and goes down tunnels, to the sea, to France and back again. I’m not sure why it all happened, and I’m not sure the whole point of it all. Because Holmes with his scientific, cynical mind would never admit to creatures like Cthulhu or the Old Ones. That’s why I couldn’t wait to read this title.

Sigh, nothing really happened. There was much running around, some interesting passages in minor characters’ points of view, more running around. In the end, Holmes did not solve the case, Watson did not resolve with his estranged wife, and neither of them really believed in Cthulhu.

I know the legends of the Old Ones involved secret societies and bloody sacrifices. We had those, but not as I expected and without a good spin on the idea. (Here I’ll mention I’ve read Lovecraft books, Lovecraft Country, and The Ballad of Black Tom to give me some street cred about the monster lore. That’s not a drop in the barrel of what’s out there, but I have read some Cthulhu.)

I admit I read the paperback. Paper takes me so much longer to read and it is a huge book. But those two things can excuse how badly the book bored me. I liked it, but in a “this is fine to read for a few minutes” way. Not much in the tale compelled me to stick with it for hours. Perhaps Book Two of the series will interest me more. Or maybe I’ll read Lovegrove’s story and see how it compares. Either way, I’m good on giant, lurking monsters that have little use for humanity. Maybe it’s time for some romance with paranormal elements—a few vampires or shifter stories? Sounds great to me.

I give The Adventures of the Deadly Dimensions (Sherlock Holmes vs Cthulhu #1) by Lois H. Gresh Three Tentacles.




  1. I was intrigued by the title. Now, I'm not sure. But I still like the premise.

    1. The premise is great. Maybe try James Lovegrove's. It looks almost exactly the same. Might be free to Audible subscribers...(Still 400 pages though, lol)


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